Saturday 27 February 2016

Every one knows "Albert Einstein". His brain was 5 times smaller then a normal person's brain and his IQ lvl was in between 160-190.

A newer version of asphalt has released "Asphalt Nitro". Now this game all the fun and many lvls and many races and enough cars and good graphics. The most amazing thing about this game is that it is only 25 MB..! This game has all the fun and almost every car that is introduced in asphalt 8 and has many tracks for a person to play. This game is very cool.

Asphalt 8 airborne is a very creative and fun game to play on android and ios system. The gameloft keeps up the good work. But this game also have some drawbacks, like laste update is not working on my android device. Well this game overall is a very cool and must play game for every body.

Koenigsegg produces hand made cars. Koenigsegg didn't wanted to use plastic in it's car's interior, so they decided to use carbon fiber but the problem was the buttons used in the interior. After a lot of thinking they decided to use a thin aluminum for the buttons. They punched holes in the button by hand...!

Chewing gum no doubt is the most common habit all around the world. Ii is a great past time. But too much of gums can cause teeth problems like gum disease and cavities. Gums have sugar that can cause head ace. This can also be a pain for your jaws.

Alarm clock is a real discovery. Can you tell if we had no alarm clocks what we could use instead..?

We should wear bright colour clothes in summer and dull colour clothes in winter. Because bright colour specially white are good emitters of heat so when we wear white in summer it will deflect most of the heat and will keep you cool in summer. And the dull colours specially black are good absorber of heat so it will absorb most of heat and will keep you warm in winter.

Have you ever wondered that why are taxis/cab are always yellow..? This is because our brain catches the bright colours more then dark colours. This can help us to see a bright colour among dark colours so we can see the cab among all different cars.

In GTA 5 elegy(Nissan GTR) can only be found as the special vehicle in the garage we buy. For that we should have a Rockstar Social Club account. Why?

Monday 22 February 2016

During world war ii it became very important to make the aeroplanes fly faster. So british government decided to make a jet engine. That was invented by Frank Whittle in 1939. That was a big breakthrough for them. Since then it became the main source of power for all the large aircrafts.

Its real fun to play table tennis in wii sports resot on Nintendo Wii. It really feels like real. we can even play tow player.

Before the invention of printing, books had to be written by hand. This was a very hard and time taking job. It took montths, often years for a man to make a copy of a single book. The printing in its most simple form was invented in China over 2000 YEARS AGO....!

We made this vase at home. Only using PAPER ROLLS.

The electric engine are more environment friendly than those which uses gasoline engine.

Green Tea helps to make us fit and to keep in shape. Apart from that the green tea has more benefits. The green tea also reduces risk of heart diseases. It also reduces risk of cancer too.

We can do many things with Plaster of Paris. We can fill the tiny holes in the walls. We can make art from it. It can also be used as an insulator. The best thing about it is EVERYTHING..! I wonder why can't we eat it. Anyway, I have posted some pics. Some folkes made real looking hands with it.

Drinking of too much tea is very harmful for health. It can also cause cancer..!

By listening to music our concentration improves. But that doesn't mean's that we should hear music all day long.

The first television was introduced in 1843-1846. At that time it was called "The facsimile machine". The television is a great invention. T.V has become the most useful necessity of our daily life. Imagine our life without T.V. It will be like a car without wheels.

Playing tennis in GTA 5 is a lot of fun and it feels realistic too.